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Emily behind bars
Jun 18, 20232 min read
Living with rosacea
Firstly for those of you that don’t know rosacea is a skin condition that is mainly on your face. There are many different types of...
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Emily behind bars
Oct 22, 20222 min read
End of season racing reflections
Wow what a busy season! Bit of a delayed blog post as I feel I have been absolutely running at full gas with no time! Anyway this season...
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Emily behind bars
Aug 8, 20222 min read
Duncan Murray wine team cup race
Pre race As another team cup race, we had a team chat before the race to come up with our strategy. Being third team in the series we...
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Emily behind bars
Aug 3, 20221 min read
Bovingdon crit 20th July
Pre race I love this race not so much the circuit itself but the vibe is always great! Great riders, commissaires, organisers and...
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Emily behind bars
Aug 1, 20222 min read
Solihull Team cup RR 10th July
Pre race I felt good from the win the day before, but also very aware of the effort I had put into that race and the heat of the day. It...
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Emily behind bars
Jul 14, 20222 min read
Colchester crit 9th July
I was looking forward to this race as I really like the circuit, it’s a nice flowing circuit, a few bends but nothing sharp and no hills!...
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Emily behind bars
Jul 11, 20221 min read
Ilkley and Redbourn town centre crits 1st and 3rd July
I thought I would put these two in one report as they weren’t the most exciting of races. The first weekend in July was my first weekend...
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Emily behind bars
Jun 30, 20222 min read
Set backs and covid!!!
Neither are fun or what you want mid-season! So recently I’ve had covid which meant one week off the bike and two weeks off racing. Its...
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Emily behind bars
Jun 23, 20222 min read
How to… Change a tubeless tyre
Or how not to…. Okay so ive had many interesting things happen changing a tubeless tyre so have picked up a few how tos and how not tos...
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Emily behind bars
Jun 13, 20221 min read
Lee Valley Crit 11th June
The race I absolutely love this circuit, it is one of my favs, fast flowy circuit with no harsh bends and no significant hill. There is...
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Emily behind bars
Jun 9, 20222 min read
Loughbourgh crit race 4th June
My result With a field of just over 30 riders I wasn’t pleased/ unpleased to come 15th. It was a tough race and not my favourite type of...
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Emily behind bars
Jun 3, 20222 min read
Attitudes of drivers!!!!
As a cyclist I feel we often get treated with little respect on the road by drivers. Maybe its just where I live but ive noticed a lot of...
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Emily behind bars
May 28, 20221 min read
Most recently I went to Calpe (I know it’s where all the pros go! Soooo not the reason I chose it trust me haha). When choosing where to...
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Emily behind bars
May 18, 20221 min read
Halesowen Road Race 15th May
Rolling? My a** As a Nat B E/1/2/3 road race I wanted to really target this race and do well so was aiming for a top ten, however I then...
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Emily behind bars
May 13, 20222 min read
Racing slump
Anyone know how to get over a racing slump? Asking for a friend? I started the season smashing my goals and since having a week off in...
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Emily behind bars
May 11, 20222 min read
Lincoln GP 8th May
Pre race After last year I was slightly apprehensive going into Lincoln GP, but determined to give it another shot. Last year I crashed...
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Emily behind bars
May 6, 20222 min read
Tour Series: Round 1 Guisborough
Race Prep I always get nervous before a race, it doesn’t matter what level. I’m not sure why I get so nervous, probably because I want to...
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Emily behind bars
May 1, 20222 min read
Cycling holidays
How to pick your cycling holiday destination! I have been asked recently for recommendations of some places where I been cycling abroad,...
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Emily behind bars
Apr 28, 20222 min read
All things saddle! Saddle sore or saddle awe?
My saddle is probably something I have struggled with in the past. It is certainly not something you want to get wrong as you really...
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Emily behind bars
Apr 25, 20221 min read
Dave Peck memorial race 27/03/2022
First road race of the season! I was super excited to get stuck into the first road race this year. I was also glad it was a pretty flat...
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